An Application designed for babies and young children to check their body temperature when needed.

Many times, as parents on the go with our children we forget to pack a thermometer as an essential item especially if your child is feeling well. This app was designed as a solution to substitute a thermometer when needed. Any sudden fever or rise in body temperature can be easily checked via your cellphone if a thermometer is not readily available, or at hand at time of need.
MY ROLE in the project
This was a solo project where I performed various roles including UX Research,
UI Design and Usability Testing. Mentored by Nick MCinnis.

red route
After carefully analyzing my problem statement answering the (HMW) questions I created a Red Route to determine what top actions would need to be taken by users as they navigate the App.
In order of importance are the following:
• Check Temperature
• Reading the results
• View history/saved readings
• Complete a profile
competitive analysis
It was very important to understand what my competitors were doing... research has proven that:
• there were not many thermometer apps out there
• none of them were specifically designed for babies and small children
• Most of them had a minimalist design
With these finding I was able to design an interface that was consistent to industry trends but also creative to meet the standards of my users expectations.

With the above red routes outline it was now organize the flow of the App. After the App went into testing the wire flow had to be edited to accommodate recommended feedback and additional screens.
Diagram shows the original wire flow prior to making edits.

Having determined the Red Routes and user flow I sketched a few
screens on paper for testing
The goal of this wireframe testing was to test the effectiveness of the flow of the App. This test exercise helped to understand if users were able to navigate through the App to accomplish specific tasks without any hiccups, and also helped to make improvements to the flow as necessary.
The test was conducted among 5 participants and was remotely moderated for most.The test was not the most successful because the participants were unable to understand the drawings from the sketch. However for the most part improvements were made and a low fidelity prototype was further created which included all the feedback and improvements
that was recommended.




hi fidelity

usability test results
After the protype was completed, it was now time to conduct a test with our selected participants. The testing was remotely moderated. The selected participants were chosen from a previous screener survey via google doc and was further filteredbased on age, and parental status. Among the chosen are particpiants who indicated that they would be willing to
participate in further the testing. User were a combination of men and women ranging from age 25 yrs - 50 yrs.
Participants were asked to complete three red routes by navigating the following tasks:
Red Routes
Test Temperature
View Logs
Add to a profile
• Please launch the App
• Follow the on-screen instructions to test temperature
• After the results is populated - Please add temperature reading to a profile
• Review past log info temperature readings
• Say we now want to see the details of a particular date > please click on Dec 8th log
• Now let’s say we would like to print a report from here to take to a doctors’ visit. What steps would you take to accomplish this ?

Post Interview questions
1. What did you like best about the app?
2. What did you like least about the app?
3. Did you find the App easy to use?
4. What improvements would you make ?
Post Interview Answers
Findings proved that 100% of the participants loved the App. None had any changes or dislikes and two persons had suggestions for improvements- both suggestions were great feebdack and will be added to the design.
The user testing was a success. I was pleased that the participants were a ble to use the App with no hiccups, and that the user experience met expectations.